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String Wound Water Filter

String Wound Water Filter

500.00 - 3000.00 INR

Product Details:


String Wound Water Filter Price And Quantity

  • 100 Piece
  • 500.00 - 3000.00 INR

String Wound Water Filter Product Specifications

  • Other
  • Single Open End

String Wound Water Filter Trade Information

  • On Order Per Day
  • 1~3 Days

Product Description

Our wound cartridges is designed to enlarge the inter-fiber space( space produced between yarns)by winding non-twisted yarns solidly and evenly to its main media, which makes it possible to improve flow rates and provides high removal efficiency compared to the conventional wound filter cartridges.

* Microfiltration based on the design of the element layers
* FDA and hygienic grade from extremely pure filter material 
* heavy duty application even for high viscose phase like paint and magnetic tape coating resins etc.
* available from 1 micron to 100 micron 
* size available from 10" to 60"
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